1. H. Meidanis, Public Policy and Ordre Public in EU Private International Law, 460 p., Ant. Sakkoulas 2004, in Greek.

2. H. Meidanis, Mediation. International and Comparative Aspects, Nomiki Bibliothiki 2020, in Greek.


3. Η. Tagaras, H. Meidanis, Greek chapter on Layton/Mercer “European Civil Practice” 2nd ed., 2004, Thomson Sweet & Maxwell, in English.

4. H. Meidanis, Law of International Procedure – Annotation of related judgments (Gen. Ed. E. Vassilakakis) Nomiki Bibliothiki 2008, in Greek.

5. H. Meidanis, Private International Law – Greece, International Encyclopedia of Laws, Collective Volume, ed. Pr. Spyros Vrellis, Kluwer Law International 2009 (pp. 23-54), in English.

6. H. Meidanis, Law of International Transactions, (Gen. Ed. Ch. Pamboukis), Nomiki Bibliothiki 2010 (pp. 223-274, 1314-1369, 1370-1417), in Greek.

7. H. Meidanis, Chapter on recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and awards, Greek law digest, Nomiki Bibliothiki 2012 and amended 2016, in English.

8. M. Mousmouti/ H. Meidanis, International Protection of Adults, Chapter on Greece, Oxford University Press 2015, in English.

9. H. Meidanis, International Law of Successions, (Gen. Ed. Ch. Pamboukis), Nomiki Bibliothiki 2015, in Greek.

10. H. Meidanis, Succession Law (ed. Ch. Pamboukis), Nomiki Bibliothiki/ CH Bech/ Hart/ Nomos 2017, Arts 17-19 Lis Pendens, Related Actions/ Provisional Measures pp. 186-201, Art. 35 Ordre Public pp. 41-436, Art. 74, p. 667, Arts 77-82 pp. 677-682.

11. H. Meidanis, Objections under the Greek Code of Civil Procedure – International jurisdiction and arbitration (Gen. Ed. Judge Katsiroubas) Nomiki Bibliothiki 2018, in Greek.

12. H. Meidanis, Commentary Greek Civil Code, (Gen. Ed. Judge Leontis) Nomiki Bibliothiki 2020 (Άρθρα 4-10 και 28-33).


13. H. Meidanis, Public Policy and Ordre Public in the Private International Law of the EC/EU: Traditional positions and modern trends, European Law Review 2005, pp. 95-110, Thomson Sweet & Maxwell, in English.

14. H. Meidanis, Anti-suit injunction and Regulation 44/2001, Dikaio Epiheiriseon kai etairion 2005, pp. 152-161, Nomiki Bibliothiki, in Greek.

15. H. Meidanis, Forum Non Conveniens and Regulation 44/2001 (with special reference to ECJ case Owusu, C-281/02), Revue Hellénique de droit européen 2005, pp. 301-313, in Greek.

16. H. Meidanis, The trend of certain Greek courts to apply concurrently the Rome Convention and art. 25 of the Greek civil code. Some thoughts following the judgment 906/2004 of the Areios Pagos (Greek Supreme court), Nomiko Vima 2005, pp. 996-999, in Greek.

17. H. Meidanis, The interpretation and application of art. 34 par. 3 of Regulation 44/2001. Some thoughts following judgment 1321/2004 of the Areios Pagos (Greek Supreme court), Armenopoulos 2005, pp. 1688-1695, in Greek.

18. H. Meidanis, Three recent Greek judgments on Brussels Convention, Yearbook of Private International Law 2006, pp. 281-288, in English.

19. H. Meidanis, Harmonious Interpretation (Indirect effect) in the third pillar of the EU and the Area of Freedom Security and Justice. Some thoughts following the Pupino case C-105/03. Armenopoulos 2006, 1676-1687, in Greek.

20. H. Meidanis, Excessive court expenses imposed under a foreign judgment. Questions of enforceability in Greece. Hronika idiotikou dikaiou 2007, pp. 833-838, in Greek.

21. H. Meidanis, Judicial cooperation in civil and criminal law matters in the E.U., Emphasi 2008 vol. 34, 2008, pp. 73-82, in Greek.

22. H. Meidanis, Sale and purchase of vessels before Greek courts – How safe is the choice of foreign law made by the parties? The controversial discussion on article 479 of the Greek Civil Code, Revue Hellenique de droit international 2008 (Anniversary Volume), pp. 455- 462, in English.

23. H. Meidanis, Regulation proposal on jurisdiction, applicable law and the recognition and enforcement of decisions in matters of matrimonial property regimes – Effects on third parties. RHDI 2013, σελ.49-58.

24. H. Meidanis, Justice and underlying values in EU private international law, in Liber Amicorum Pr. Vrellis, Nomiki Bibliothiki 2014, pp 579-592, in English.

25. H. Meidanis, Questions of mediation on cross-border disputes and on cross-border enforcement of Mediated Settlement Agreements. Thoughts on the basis of Directive 2008/52/EC and Law 4512/2018. Nomiko Vima Law Review of the Athens Bar Association 2018, pp. 973-980 = Liber Amicorum Zoi Papassiopi -Passia, in Greek.

26. H. Meidanis, The Organisation and conduct of mediation under law 4512/2018, Arbitration and Mediation Law Review 2018, pp. 59-72, Nomiki Bibliothiki in Greek.

27. H. Meidanis, International Enforcement of Mediated Settlement Agreements: Two and a Half Models-Why and How to Enforce Internationally Mediated Settlement Agreements, Arbitration 2019, pp. 49-64, in English.

28. H. Meidanis, International Mediation and Private International Law, ICC Bulletin 2020 Issue 1, pp. 41-52, in English.

29. H. Meidanis, Enforcement of Mediation Settlement Agreements in the EU and the Need of Reform, JPrIntLaw 2020 pp 275-299, in English.

30. H. Meidanis, Subrogation of the insurer in common law, in comparison with the provisions in Greek law, convergences and divergences, Efarmoges Astikou Dikaiou & Politikis Dikonomias, Nomiki Bibliothiki, July 2020, pp. 673-679.


31. H. Meidanis, comment on First Instance Court of Piraeus judgment 1741/2001 (characterisation in private international law, subrogation of the insurer and private international law, applicable law in case of a claim based on contract and tort), in Greek, Hronika idiotikou dikaiou 2001, p. 895-899, in Greek.

32. H. Meidanis, Private international law, art. 479 Greek CC and shipping (comment on judgment 591/2002 of Areios Pagos – Greek Supreme court), Hronika idiotikou dikaiou 2002, p. 707-711, in Greek.

33. H. Meidanis, The relationship of articles 23 and 27 of Regulation 44/2001 (Commentary of the ECJ case Gasser C-116/02), Dike 2005, pp. 825-831, in Greek.

34. H. Meidanis, Anti-suit injunction and the public policy of foreign states esp. in the European judicial space (Commentary on judgment 110/2004 of the court of Appeal of Piraeus, Dike 2005), pp.835-842, in Greek.

35. H. Meidanis, International adoption of elder people and the exception of ordre public, Comment on First Instance Court of Kalamata judgment 2/2004, Armenopoulos 2005, p. 705-711, in Greek.

36. H. Tagaras written jointly with H. Meidanis: Le chronique de la Convention de Bruxelles, Cahiers de droit européen 2005, pp. 546-550 and 561-567, in French.

37. H. Meidanis, Comment on First Instance Court of Athens judgment 159/2005 (International adoption and the exception of ordre public), Hronika idiotikou dikaiou 2005, p. 900-905, in Greek.

38. H. Tagaras written jointly with H. Meidanis: Le chronique de la Convention de Bruxelles, Cahiers de droit européen 2006, pp. 507-514, in French.

39. H. Meidanis, Comment on the judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal, F 1/05 Pia Landgren v. ETF, Armenopoulos 2008, pp. 330-341, in Greek.

40. H. Meidanis/ A. Giannakoulias, Annotation Case C-185/07 Allianz SpA, Generali Assicurazionani Generali SpA v. West Tankers Inc., Common Market law Review 2009, pp. 1709-1724, in English.

41. H. Meidanis. The Brussels I Regulation and the Cyprus problem before the Court of Justice: Comment on Apostolides v. Orams (C-420/07), European Law Review 2009, pp. 963-975, in English.

42. H. Meidanis. Comment on ECJ judgment C-189/08 Zuid-Chemie BV v. Philippo’s Mineralenfabriek NV/SA, Armenopoulos 2009, pp. 158-163, in Greek.

43. H. Meidanis. Comment on case 89/2019 of the First Instance Court of Mytilene, Dikaio Epiheiriseon kai etairion 2019, pp. 859-864, Nomiki Bibliothiki, in Greek (case regarding questions of private international in hotel contracts, in Greek.

44. H. Meidanis/ E. Kolovaris. Comment on ECJ judgment C-729/2017. Arbitration and Mediation Law Review 2018, pp. 59-72, Nomiki Bibliothiki (case regarding mediation centres and mediation accreditation in Greece), in Greek.

45. H. Meidanis, Comment on Athens Court of Appeal 3411/2019, Arbitration and Mediation Law Review 2018, pp. 266-271 Nomiki Bibliothiki in Greek, (Ordre public and control of domestic award).


46. H. Meidanis, Book review: Arbitrage Commercial International & Ordre Public Transnational (édition Centre de Publication Universitaire, Tunis 2002) par Lotfi Chedly, Revue Héllenique de droit international 2005, pp. 313-318, in French.


47. H. Meidanis, The new Civil Service Tribunal of the EU, Synigoros, Vol 5, October 2006, pp. 57-59 in Greek.

48. H. Meidanis, The legislative adventures of mediation, Synigoros 2018, issue 125, pp. 30-32, in Greek.

49. H. Meidanis, Singapore Convention Series: A Plea For The Adoption Of The Singapore Mediation Convention By The EU,

50. H. Meidanis, Hotel contracts and jurisdiction clauses before Greek courts

51. H. Meidanis,

52. H. Meidanis,

53. H. Meidanis,

54. H. Meidanis, H. Meidanis, Remote Mediation, Synigoros v. 138/ 2020, pp. 38-41.